Installation: Peeping In
Ilkley Manor House, Dec 2020 - Jan 2021
Filmed and produced by Clare Dearnaley
It wasn’t until I was 11 years old that I first saw snow fall from the sky. A kind school teacher let me out of class to experience the amazing feeling of snowflakes settle on my hands and face. I remember that day so well.
When the opportunity came to help bring Ilkley’s Manor House to life with a seasonally themed installation, I thought of those snowflakes and how magical they would be to be captured within the larger-than-life ‘snow globe’ that is this iconic Grade 1 listed building.
Much of my art work is based on the fascination of multiples and repetition. I can now look out of my studio window in the Manor House court yard and admire the combined beauty of this historic building and the snowflakes within.